12 Benefits of LED Lightings

12 Benefits of LED Lightings

February 26, 2021

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. A diode is a special piece of material that allows electricity to flow in only one direction. Imagine how an old-style subway turnstile works and you've got the general idea, pushing through the turnstile uses up some energy, a little bit of which is turned into light. LEDs are similar in that they are very efficient, very durable, and don't involve mercury like fluorescent lights. Below are the main benefits of LED lighting:

    1. The best quality LED bulbs have lifespan around 50,000 hours, which is 50 times longer than a typical incandescent
    2. Energy efficient compared to traditional lightning
    3. Free of toxic chemicals
    4. 100% Recyclable and help reduce your carbon footprint
    5. Durable and built with sturdy components, can withstand even the roughest conditions
    6. Produce little to no infrared light and UV emissions
    7. Work in extremely cold and hot environments
    8. Require low voltage power supply which makes them great for outdoor use
    9. More alternatives to glass finish: Shock resistant non-glass bulbs, just like our M850267, M850268, M850269. If dropped, no shatter
    10. Wider CCT range options
    11. Longevity of LEDs = Cost Savings Accrued
    12. Flexibility of design, fine-tune lighting to match/accommodate any unique application

LED prices have been cheaper every year.  LEDs have dramatically higher efficiency & lower power usage compared to incandescent lights. Their efficiency comes from a lack of wasted energy on heat, even better than fluorescent. Conventional incandescent lights waste about 90% of their power on heat output.  On the contrary, LEDs produces less heat and are cool to the touch. They also have low fire risk due to the low output of infrared and ultraviolet.  LEDs long life will save on your electric and maintenance bills, if used in a suitable environment.  They are more rugged, there is normally no glass to break and no filament to damage via vibration, so you won’t have to replace your LEDs often.


Most residential and commercial LED manufacturers boast a 50,000 hours lamp life on average, with newer models reaching up to 100,000 hours. Check out how the below usage rates affect the lifespan of your LED bulb:

  • If your LED bulb is left on for 24 hours a day, the bulb is expected to last 6 years
  • If your LED bulb is left on for 12 hours a day, the bulb is expected to last 11 years
  • If your LED bulb is left on for 8 hours a day, the bulb is expected to last 17 years
  • If your LED bulb is left on for 4 hours a day, the bulb is expected to last 34 years

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